Parkinson's disease or disease is a disabling neurodegenerative syndrome. Once manifested, it does not regress, despite the care, affection and assistance offered to the sick. In Italy, this disease has already affected 250,000 people, not just elderly, but also under 60 years. Parkinson's disease is caused by the death of neuronal cells placed in a certain part of the brain, which, at some point, stops producing dopamine. The decline of this momo is gradual and progressively reduces the patient's autonomy, preventing him from coordinating movements and even words. In the advanced stage, the patient with Parkinson's also loses the ability to move and speak, going towards total motor and muscle stiffness. The intermediate phase of the disease is also characterized by hallucinatory states, sudden blocks of movement, tremors and depression, the latter may even be the first symptom of the disease.
When such a disabling illness hits the patient and his family, the natural rhythms of life are disturbed. Frequent hospital admissions and assistance offered at external facilities are of no use. Due to organizational deficiencies and beds, public facilities now tend to dismiss the patient and recommend adequate home care. In fact, given the progressive progress of the disease, and the current impossibility of reaching a definitive remission, the best way to improve the quality of life of the patient and his loved ones seems to be home care. This, in the first instance, is often provided by the same relatives, the spouse, or, if the latter is already elderly, by the children and the daughters. Like all disabling diseases, even assisting the Parkinson's is not at all simple. It is not easy to see one's loved one stiffen more each day or be unable to move and speak. Even the most amiable and capable people can feel the stress and frustration of not being able to do anything for their father, mother, father-in-law or a cousin. The assistance, in this case, must be provided at 360 degrees, through medical, nursing, rehabilitative and psychological support to the patient and to the same family members.
Thanks to a home care service guaranteed seven days a week and 24 hours a day, family members can manage to save time for themselves, avoiding that the stress accumulated to assist the patient makes them unable to continue providing care and affection. Assistance to Parkinson's patients consists essentially of nursing services necessary to promote better management of the disease. We think, for example, of the introduction or removal of the urine collection catheter, a necessary device in the phase in which the disease also blocks bladder control. Furthermore, the rigidity of the movements makes the patient unable to provide for himself and to wash himself. Nursing or, in this case, a caregiver can help to feed and wash. If the disease has also blocked the muscles of the internal organs responsible for chewing and digesting food, it may also be necessary to feed the patient with a liquid diet to be administered in the mouth through a syringe. All these operations can be very difficult and painful to deal with in solitude. To be more serene, to stay closer to your loved one, to live close to him and not only to survive, specialized home care is the ideal solution for both the sick and his family.
In Milan, a company rooted in the territory, it is specialized in consulting and telephone assistance, teleconsulting and virtual hospital. This reality has also developed collaborations with the Italian Parkinsonian Association and the Gigioni Foundation. The structure, in the forefront of research with the patient database, the DNA bank and brain tissues, has played an important role in the discovery of the link between hydrocarbons and Parkinson's disease.