If you activate your PREMIER ACCOUNT, you will receive an EXTRA BONUS that you can spend immediately for your visits or in our Service points.
What are the advantages of the PREMIER ACCOUNT
Having continuous health care
Provide your family with a Medical and Nursing Guidance at any time
With only 24 cents a day you extend these benefits to your entire family with discounts on products and services
Take advantage of the special offer now and activate the PREMIER ACCOUNT. Thus being able to take advantage of all discounts in all clinics or ambulatory and in our SERVICE POINT

Priority Service
Pharmamedic has activated a Health Guidance Service that takes care users health needs quickly and efficiently. The Guidance Service is managed by Administrative Personnel who understand your request and an Experienced Nurse who takes care of it by analyzing the need and activating the necessary resources such as the Medical Service, the Nursing Service, the Mental Health Service. If we can not directly resolve your request, we will direct you to the service network in your area.

Medical, Nursing and Physiotheapeutic Orientation also via DIRECT CONTACT here on our website or on the Pharmamedic App downloadable from the Android and iOS systems.