Patients with chronic or acute conditions of a certain severity often require long periods of hospitalization or in the clinic. When the hospitalization becomes very long, it may also be necessary to support a nurse, a caregiver, or an assistant who takes care of the night vigil at the hospital. Usually, nocturnal hospital assistance is entrusted to relatives, usually children or daughters, but in some cases, especially when relatives have practical problems due to family or work reasons, this task can be delegated to staff in charge of night assistance at the hospital. The night assistant is not only concerned with watching the patient during the night, but also with personal care services, such as helping her get out of bed, drink, walk, eat and wash. The night assistant is not only useful for the patient, but also for the relatives, who in this case can count on a continuity of assistance at night, which otherwise would be entirely dependent on them.
The presence of the night assistant also allows relatives to choose daytime assistance for their family members. The night vigil at the hospital, therefore, proves to be an effective help for all the families who have to face the long period of hospitalization of their loved one. The night assistant is to be considered a valid support also for the patient, who, in this way, can be constantly looked after by a courteous, qualified and prepared person. The night assistant is also able to intervene promptly warning the medical staff and family members in case of worsening of the patient's clinical condition. For some diseases, in fact, the timing of the relief is fundamental and can really make the difference between life and death. Watching at night a sick person is not only watching him on sight, but also taking care of him, always keeping in mind the human relationship with him. Between patient and patient there is often a real relationship between parent and child. This is why the night-time assistant must have not only a valid preparation in the field of social welfare, but also human and relational.
An excellent communication skills with the patient can help him not to feel lonely and abandoned and to better endure the hospital stay, which, you know, is never pleasant and that, in many cases, can turn out to be worse than a nightmare. The hospital night-assistance service can also be requested at our Pharmamedic centers, by contacting the center of your area by telephone. The night vigil is provided not only for patients hospitalized, but also for those housed in clinics.