The latest data confirm this: in Italy the number of carers is increasing. In fact, the latter take care of about two and a half million elderly people. The trend is due to the lack of nurses at home and the difficulty of families to take care of their elders. Recall also that, in addition to hiring a caregiver, you can always request our home care services (insert home care link) or the intervention of a nurse at home (insert nursing home links). In any case, the caregiver can prove indispensable in all those conditions in which the elderly remain only for the absence of their children or for the practical difficulties of the latter to assist him.
Just think, for example, of children forced to emigrate for work reasons. In this case, the elderly parents may decide to either follow them or stay in their home until the end of their life. Unfortunately, the choice of staying alone at home is not always easy or painless, because it can also be marked by a partial loss of self-sufficiency that requires the recruitment of a caregiver. But who is she? The aforementioned figure is assimilated to the housekeeper, in fact the contract governing his employment is valid both for carers and for domestic workers.
But the caregiver has a mainly social-welfare role, while that of the maid is more distinctly domestic. Let's say that the caregiver is both a home care assistant and an employee for domestic work. It is she who takes care of our non self-sufficient elderly while we are out at work, she is feeding our dear, helping him get out of bed, sometimes even clean it and take it. She is always shopping and cooking. In short, the caregiver is a figure who performs several tasks simultaneously. That's why, for your recruitment, you need to rely on referenced and experienced people.
The carer to be hired can also be foreign, in Italy, in fact, many carers are foreign. But the choice between an Italian and a foreigner should not depend on the possibility of paying less or in black the foreign collaborator, because this means black labor and the recruitment of a carer in black, we remember, involves the imprisonment for three months a year and a fine of 5000 euros for each person taken on an irregular basis. Starting from 1 April 2011, the hiring, transformation, extension and termination of domestic workers, domestic workers and caregivers must take place through one of the following channels:
Inps Online Services - Telematic services accessible directly from the citizen via PIN through the portal
Multichannel Contact Center - toll-free number 800 41 26 40
Intermediaries, through the telematic services offered to them (patronates, CAF and accountants).
The paper forms SC38 COLD ASS, and SC39 COLD VAR can no longer be presented directly or sent by post after March 31, 2011. Not to forget the information on how to pay the contributions of domestic workers and caregivers, information that can always be provided by CAF and accountants.
The recruitment of the caregiver must be communicated to the INPS within 24 hours of the day foreseen for the assumption. When taking care, the caregiver must provide the employer with: identity document, diploma or professional certification, health card, social security number, INPS registration number (in case it has already been registered at the institute pension) and a copy of the residence permit for work reasons, in the case of a non-EU worker.
A copy of the documents must also be kept by the employer. Families with caregivers can also ask for support and assistance at our Pharmamedic Center.