For a chronic or disabled patient, hospitalization can be anything but pleasant. This is why it is important to surround the patient not only with care, but also with affection and a constant presence beside his bedside. For practical problems or for the absence of available family members, this assistance, however, can not always be provided. Public health guarantees by law the hospital assistance understood as an essential level of assistance and therefore through the availability of hospital nursing staff. Unfortunately, due to the lack of staff, continuous hospital assistance can not be guaranteed every day and every night to all patients and it may happen that some of them have to wait their turn to be helped to get out of bed and go to bed. bathroom, for example.
All this, besides being synonymous with serious organizational shortcomings of the public structure, is also a source of suffering for the patient, who is literally abandoned to his illness. To compensate for any lack of care in the hospital, Pharmamedic also offers an efficient night and day hospital assistance service for patients hospitalized. Thanks to highly qualified, prepared and courteous staff, families can count on continuous hospital assistance in favor of their loved ones. The service, therefore, is a valuable help and support to both patients and their families, often unable to take charge of a long period of hospital assistance in favor of their loved one.
The hospital assistance service includes, in addition to the vigil (insert night hospital vigil link), also the control, the company and the support for eating, drinking, getting out of bed, walking and taking care of personal hygiene. The aforementioned hospital assistance service can be requested by simply calling the toll-free number of our switchboard: 800 41 26 40. We are also able to organize the night watch service as soon as possible. With our qualified hospital assistance service you can count on continuous support for the well-being of your family member.
The latter will have at his side a courteous and kind person who will take care of his every request or need. With our hospital assistance service, the patient will never be alone again. Moreover, our operators can guarantee a valid assistance continuity able to fill the eventual lack of nursing staff inside the hospital. In this way, the patient will be able to receive promptly all the necessary treatment in case of worsening of the symptoms and all the company and the affection due in case of a long and difficult hospital stay.
Our operators can really represent your valid substitutes. If you can not take care of your dear patient personally, contact us and we will assist you for you, as if you were always there by his side. If you can not be there, we will be there: for him and for you.