How to replace the caregiver when he is absent for vacation, accident or illness? Simple: just ask for the caregiver replacement service. With this service you get in a very short time an expert and qualified person able to perfectly fill the absence of your caregiver. With the caregiver replacement service, a qualified operator will take care of the elderly or disabled person during all periods of absence of the caregiver, including the day of rest. As a worker, the carer is in fact entitled to vacation and weekly rest, but, often, older people who are enticed and with chronic or neurodegenerative diseases, can not afford to stay a single minute longer without continuous assistance. This is why finding an operator who replaces the caregiver during his absence is, above all, essential for the well-being of the patient.
The latter does not only need to be helped and supported from a medical, nursing and health point of view, but also from a relational and human point of view. Contact and ongoing dialogue with a caring, skilled and qualified person can also slow down the course of some neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's. A Sunday stroll, a game of cards, a good meal in front of the TV and a chat, can really do wonders. Certainly, they help to better support the periods of non self-sufficiency and illness, but also to forget for a while that incurable and progressive disease called "old age". The operator who replaces the caregiver can also take care of accompanying the person to do the shopping, or the doctor or in the public offices to carry out administrative procedures or in the health facilities for specialist visits and assessments.
But not only that, the caregiver replacement service includes all those interventions aimed at the person both partially self-sufficient and allotted and therefore daily personal hygiene, such as pedicure, manicure, assisted bath or shower, sponging, help with meals, dressing , bedtime and help to get up, support for walking, surveillance during night time rest and, if required, also domestic help, such as preparing meals and cleaning the house. The caregiver replacement service can be requested in the pharmacy by reservation. In fact, for some time now, at the pharmacies you can book not only visits and exams, but also home care services such as the replacement of the caregiver. By booking the aforementioned service in Pharmacy, you will get a qualified family assistant who can take care of your loved one during the absence of the caregiver. This service can also be requested at our Pharmamedic Center.