Mini Bond

Invest on Mini Bond Pharmamedic


Expire date 3 years

12% Interest Yearly

1. Choose the currency of your investment from Euro Dollar or Pound Sterling and your interest and Bond will be paid at maturity in the same currency.

2. Add the amount you want to invest for each Bond.

3. Choose how many Bonds you want for the same amount if you want to distribute them among your family or friends.

4. Check the interest in your Digital Wallet each month

5. You can use your interest to pay for doctor's visits. laboratory or instrumental examinations buy products, coupons or books or you can withdraw it by transferring it to your own bank account


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Pharmamedic World Ltd, a company registered in the United Kingdom with number 08988172, undertakes to pay the Investor
the full amount of the bond, plus interest due on the unpaid principal at the rate of 12% per annum.
Interest will be credited to the beneficiary's Pharmamedic Digital Wallet which corresponds to the above
registration code and can be used or withdrawn in real time. Interest will be paid monthly from the date of issue,
totalling 1% per month for 12 months, and the first payment will be due after exactly 30 days.
Neapolis Holding Ltd is the holding of group and is a Garantor of Invested Capital.
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