The caregiver training and integration service is aimed at families who already have this important assistance and support figure. The aforementioned service serves to supplement the activities performed by the caregiver itself within 24 hours. Not all carers are in fact prepared to assist bedridden patients with serious illnesses. If it is very easy for a carer to cook or accompany the partially self-sufficient elderly person to do the shopping, it is not so easy to manage the elderly bedded subject who requires constant medical and nursing treatments and 24-hour assistance. caregiver can be asked for an availability H 24, with additional work and commitment to be paid according to the current contractual rules. But when the patient needs medications, handling and physiotherapy, the carer's work alone may not be enough.
In this case it may also be necessary to integrate it with the help of other supportive figures or with training interventions that instruct the caregiver on specific treatments to be performed for the well-being of the patient who has been bedridden. The supplementary services for caregivers who work 24 hours on 24 concern in fact, the following treatments: handling, assistance to the weekly bath, personal hygiene of bedded or partially non self-sufficient subjects, prevention and dressing bedsores, physiotherapy and nursing services. These treatments are usually not easily carried out by the caregiver. Unless it has a nursing qualification, interventions such as medications and the like must be supplemented by operators able to train the caregiver on these particular tasks. By contacting the Pharmamedic center in your area, you will immediately find a qualified person able to integrate the work of your caregiver. For those who benefit from caregiving services, a training service is also available for this professional figure.
With our training support, the caregiver will learn medication techniques, handling and other treatments useful to the patient's clinical condition. In fact, the enticed and non self-sufficient subjects may present sudden worsening of their conditions that must be properly treated and managed at home. The training skills of our operators can provide your caregiver with all the knowledge necessary to manage even the most difficult situations.
With the training service and caregiver integration, therefore, you can easily fill all the difficulties related to the hard work of your caregiver, helping you throughout the day, or for a few hours or for some types of weekly interventions. The service can be requested by contacting the Pharmamedic center in your area. Our operators are available by telephone 24 hours a day. For more information on training and integration of the caregiver, also consult these links (insert link to hiring and replacement caregiver) or call our Pharmamedic center without obligation.